Struse Family Blog

Welcome to our family blog! Follow along with us as we build our new family home! We have waited a REALLY long time, so we want to share the experience with all those we love who are far away! Hope you enjoy it and maybe learn a thing or two. . . .

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Okay, sorry for the delay in getting this update posted! We have been working really hard the last few weeks. Where to start. . . . . . .
Okay, the windows and exterior doors are in! Yay! It looks more and more like a real house! We had our inspection Friday for the plumbing/electrical/HVAC and framing. And we PASSED on the first try! Hooray! That was a really big one, and now we are done until the final inspection at the end. SUCH a relief to have that over with! The electricians worked really hard to get done, and we were at the house early each morning and every evening this week to get everything finished. We spent all day Thursday on the last minute stuff, and the children were amazing helpers! I'm so glad we had them to climb around in the trusses to run wires and stuff, so I didn't have to! : )

Okay, now for the not-so-good stuff. We had another inspection by the bank on Monday. After the inspector left, I got a call from the bank saying that they couldn't fund the next draw because we have to be at 60%, and we're only at 54%. The inspector left off all the points for the stucco, even though he told us during the last inspection that he would give us a pass on that since we don't need insulation in the walls and we already have the styrofoam there. Also, he took a point off for plumbing because we didn't have our tub delivered yet, even though it's sitting at the supply house. So we basically have to have the tub on site, and get the stucco guys started before he'll give us the 60%. Oh, and we have to pay $120 for a re-inspection. :( We got a bid from the stucco company on Friday, and hopefully they can start this week. Now that the stuff in the walls is done, we can start on the drywall as soon as we have the money from the bank to pay them!

So, we've made lots of progress. This will cause us a small setback, but hopefully not more than a week at the most. Then the drywall and stucco will get started. We have some odds and ends to work on, like pouring the concrete for the front and back porches and the well. We are going to try to get the roof completely finished tomorrow and Monday. Then it's on to the pool! Wish us luck, we're going to need it!

You can see all the stuff in the roof! The black tubes are the insulated water pipes.

My dining room window!

The french doors from the living room to the back porch. They have built-in blinds! I LOVE them!!!

The front door with the windows in! It's a little crooked because I have to hold the camera over my head because of the slope of the land!

The fireplace is in!

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